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Your million-dollar idea generation machine

Your million-dollar idea generation machine

Your million-dollar idea generation machine

Unlocking your next big break: No more guesswork

Not all ideas are created equal.

Some have the potential to become million-dollar businesses.
While others might wither away.

You’re more ready than you thought:

  • Your skills

  • Your passion

  • Your expertise

They are all monetizable.

You just don’t know to make the best out of the situation yet.

Think again.

What was the last time you try to come up with a business idea?

Was it in the shower?
Was it while you’re working out?
Was it when you was out on a dinner?

That’s the problem.

We made stuff up on the whim and thought it’s going to be lifechanging.

The harsh truth is - It’s not.

Ideation is the foundation of your business. And the same with other operations, it needs to be structured with a great system to be succesful.

Stop chasing unpromising ideas that only lead to dead ends.

I've created a systematic approach that takes the guesswork out of this crucial phase.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Idea Generation

Your skills and your target audiences should be the guilding principles for your business.

Stop shooting in the dark.

You need employ a structured approach to brainstorming.

Using this prompt, you will have a detailed list of promising business ideas tailored for the digital era.

Step 2: The Idea Matrix

Can’t decide on which one to choose?

I ask ChatGPT to analyze and compile all business ideas into a matrix for you to easily visualize all the information given…

Notes: Use Google Bard or Enable Browsing features

Step 3: Niching down

You've got your top-tier ideas.

Now, it's time to sharpen the focus.

I.E niche down.

Now that you know what your business is about.

We’ll get to the building framework AI prompt next week.

Stay tuned.

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Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham