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You have a million-dollar business idea inside your head

You have a million-dollar business idea inside your head

You have a million-dollar business idea inside your head

Let's learn how you can monetize it...

Have you ever googled:

The best way to make money online [Insert current year]

I did.

Too many times that I couldn’t even bother counting.

Top of the list?

Freelancing or scammy side hustles that make you $30/week.

But things might have changed.

Social media creators have all shifted to one thing:


Chances are that you’re an expert at something that others aren’t.

And the best part?

People are willing to pay for it.

The positives of info-products are countless…

  • High-profit margins

  • Low upfront costs

  • Passive income

  • No logistics

So what’s the catch here?

It turns out you just have to package it nicely.

And that’s exactly what we will be doing for the rest of this guide.

Digital Product Mega Prompts

I broke it down into 3 main steps:

  • Ideation: What’s the best course or E-book you could create based on your expertise?

  • Outline: What are the modules needed to be inside that course?

  • Draft: What’s going to be inside each of those modules?

After that, you still need to add your own sauces.

But it should be 80% finished by the time we’re done here.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Ideation

Start by drafting a list of what you think you know that others don’t.

Plug that list with a short description into the prompt below.

Step 2: Outline

You will see a common theme inside this prompt.


Don’t be afraid that you’re giving away too much value.

Your audience will love you for it and come back begging for more.

Step 3: Draft

Rerun this prompt for EACH of the modules in the outline above.

And you’re done.

Still feel like it’s not enough?

It’s because it isn’t.

You can’t offer any real value if it’s 100% GPT-generated.

Try to add this one section before each of the prompts:

After that, make some edits.

And you should be good to go.

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Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham