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The secret to money-printing GPT that is not talked about enough

The secret to money-printing GPT that is not talked about enough

The secret to money-printing GPT that is not talked about enough

Please stop building average copy & paste GPTs...

Last week, a fellow AI creator sent me this:

A copywriter GPT that is supposed to write me engaging Tweets, LinkedIn posts, and high-conversion emails.

Now I’ve got my own version of GPT for that.

But hey, why not give it a try?

Well… this is why.

In what world is this usable?

Now it made me realize two things:

AI creators are rushing for speed and sacrificing their brand reputation in the process.If that’s the competition, the GPT store launch would be a gold mine for anyone who takes it seriously.

Now I can’t share my list of personal GPTs I’ve created (that’s left for later).

But to prove how easy it is to build a high-engaging GPT, I created the Rothschild GPT.

And the result?

In the first 12 hours.

Now the GPT hype has died down, I’d consider this a mild success.

What does this GPT do?

It doesn’t write your Tweet for you.
It doesn’t come up with a smart marketing plan.
It sure as hell doesn’t do your dishes either.

But it generates an evil business proposal for you, for fun.

So why are people using it?

Well, the thing is I’ve studied 120+ GPTs since its launch, and only 5% truly stand out.

This Rothschild GPT is the embodiment of what I’ve learned from those successful GPTs.

And I’m going to share how I created it here.

Let’s dive in.

Principle 1: Giving Away Value

Customers will use your GPT if they find it valuable.

But what people are forgetting is that:

Value doesn’t only mean teaching, it could also be entertainment.

Now if we look at some of the first viral GPT.

Is there any educational information on this one? Or is it just pure entertainment?

You get it. Making them feel entertained is the best kind of value out there.

For my Rothschild GPT, all I did was ask it to generate a fun evil marketing plan that is borderline illegal.

The plan isn’t actionable (unless you’re built different lol),

but it offers a fun scenario to imagine what your business could have been.

Here’s the first part of the instruction:

Principle 2: User Experience

If your GPT sounds exactly like normal ChatGPT, you’ve failed.

When users click on a GPT, they expect it to be different.

If you decide to try out the Rothschild GPT (link at the end), you will recognize that it has adopted the personality of a wealthy busy old man in the Rothschild bloodline.

Oh, one more thing, you can have control over GPT’s workflow.

For example, for my Twitter Hook GPT, here are the steps that it follow:

  • Take in users’ input on ICP

  • Generate a list of potential ideas

  • Generate templates for those ideas

  • Start writing out Tweets

  • Refine chosen Tweets

Why would you even let ChatGPT choose its own path (inconsistent most of the time) if you can control it?

Principle 3: Viral Loop

Now here’s a fun experiment that I’ve always wanted to try.

Since our GPT offers no educational value, we have to come up with another way to get it viral.

So I created a viral loop (another idea inspired by the Simpsonize Me GPT):

Once users get the final evil business plan, they will be given a link to share this GPT onto X.

If they do, and provide a screenshot proof of it, they will receive a gift at the end.

Well, the screenshot check is fake.

I don’t actually check for proof. As long as they send in something, I will send them the gift anyway.

But the gift is real 🙂 

And those are the three principles that will make you stand out as a GPT builder, guaranteed.

Trust me.

The competition is worse than you thought.

Practice, be early, and you won’t miss the GPT wave when the store is launched.

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