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How to check if your brand is ruined for monetization

How to check if your brand is ruined for monetization

How to check if your brand is ruined for monetization

This is why I said reputation is everything...

Welcome back, entrepreneurs.

Every entrepreneur should be familiar with the so-called 'beginner’s hell' when starting out on social media.

You produce what you believe is excellent content...

...yet it fails to make ANY impressions online.

And all your efforts are gone to waste just like that.

So, what's a common solution?

Many launch different giveaways to keep the account size growing at first.

If you know how to ace those giveaways, this will happen:

  • Your account will organically grow with a targeted audience.

  • This audience will recognize the value you’re offering through the giveaway, establishing trust.

  • Once trust is established, when you launch a paid product, these individuals will be eager to be the first to buy.

Sounds great, right?

By the way, that’s exactly how I’ve grown my account, from this:

to this:

But today's lesson isn’t about giveaways; it's about accounts that have self-sabotaged by misusing them.

You know the ones:

Hosting three giveaways a week.

Offering content that's all fluff, no actionable value.

Such approaches may increase account size, but at the cost of consumer trust.

And remember, not all of them needs to be a giveaway...

If your content consists merely of tool lists, course lists, or copied content, I’d bet that your next product launch will faill horribly.

Consider what kind of personal brand you would trust and buy from:

Do you understand the creator’s personality?

Do they hold authority in their niche?

Have they provided tangible value to you?

The non-monetizable brands I've mentioned lack these key elements.

They usually realized and pivoted when it’s too late.

At that point, the consumer trust isn't just at zero, but deep in the negatives.

Avoid sacrificing long-term monetization for short-term growth.

Build sustainably by providing real value and showcasing your personality.

Gradually, you'll establish niche authority, and it's this authority that attracts customers.

Now, you might be wondering...

Is my personal brand already ruined for monetization?

If it aligns with the negative examples I've described,

then perhaps it's time to consider starting a new account.

But if it’s somewhere in the middle, here’s an AI system you can use to evaluate the potential of your brand for monetization.

Step 1: Exporting Data

Regardless of the platform you use, whether it's X, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc, there should always be an easy for you to export all your past content.

A quick Google search should be more than enough.

For example, if you’re using X, go to this link:[YOUR USER NAME]/tweets

Then click on Export Data by Tweet.

Most of the times, the exported file is a CSV containing:

  • All of your past content

  • Number of Likes & Impressions

  • Posting date

But since we only need the Tweets, go ahead and delete all the other columns.

(If you’re exporting Tweets, make sure to remove the replies - starts with “@”)

And keep it under 50 rows only, or your ChatGPT will start hallucinating.

If that’s such a hassle, feel free to copy & paste the latest 10-30 pieces of your content in an Excel file manually.

You might need to manually paste your content if you consistently post threads on Twitter.

Step 2: Prompting

Next, insert the CSV file into the prompt provided.

This will give you a clear understanding of your brand's position in the market.

Use this prompt when ChatGPT only analyzes the first 5 pieces:

Step 3: Improving

So, what's next?

If your score is below 20, consider starting a new account.

For scores around 40-60, try posting more in-depth and valuable content rather than just copying and pasting.

Remember, if content creation doesn’t take up at least 10+ hours a week, you might not be doing it effectively.

For those interested in automating the content creation process, I'm developing an advanced AI system.

I plan to launch it in a few weeks, so follow me to stay updated.

Must-know AI news this week:
  • The GPT Store was revealed this week by OpenAI, thought the revenue program is still a mystery.

  • Rabbi AI Asssistant Device - An AI device intended to replace your smartphone - sold out its first set of 10,000 units.

  • McAfee announced its deepfake dectection tool to prevent future online scam at CES 2024.

  • MidJourney developers were caught using people’s copyright artwork without permission to train models.

AI tools I’ve used and enjoyed:
  • Hugging Face: A platform where ML community collab on models, datasets, and applications.

  • Pika Labs: A text-to-video platform similar to MidJourney with its Discord server.

  • Leonardo: A text-to-image platform with free credits that reset itself everyday.

  • Taplio: An AI-powered LinkedIn scheduler that helps you build your personal brand on there.

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