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How to write a killer sales letter for your brand, for free

How to write a killer sales letter for your brand, for free

How to write a killer sales letter for your brand, for free

Nail this and never worry about conversion rate again...

Welcome back, entrepreneurs.

I've encountered this post numerous times (I even shared one a few months back), and it typically unfolds as follows:

However, a common mistake people make is prioritizing the growth of their social media presence by consistently churning out daily content.

And I get it, it’s the most obvious thing to do.

But there are several flaws with this approach:

  • If your content is just fluff and no value, well, good luck getting real customers to bite.

  • If your content doesn't pack enough authority, don't expect folks to open their wallets.

Now, here's what matters the most:

If your website's conversion rate is a big fat zero, it doesn't matter if your follower count is through the roof – you're not making a dime.

Let's save the first two points for next week's issue.

This week is spared for a far more important problems in digital businesses:

Website Conversion Rate Optimizer.

Consider this scenario:

You're selling a digital product for $100, and your site attracts 1,000 visitors with a 2% conversion rate. Which task is more challenging?

  • Increasing your site visits fivefold to 5,000

  • Boosting your site conversion rate to 10%

Anyone with experience in social media growth knows that 5x-ing an audience can take months, if not years.

However, enhancing your website can be achieved in a week at most…

Perhaps with some guidance (or a 'roasting') from a top landing page consultant.

The answer should be obvious.

Achieving five-figure product launches isn't as difficult as it seems. 

It involves:

Crafting a compelling sales pageSetting optimized pricingShowcasing a striking 3D demo

Drive traffic to your sales page, and you're set for success.

Here is a prompt system that will help you with that:

Prompt 1: Social Proof

I’ve studied 20+ landing page for digital products and courses created by the top creators.

There’s one thing that always stand out:

An overwhelming amount of social proof.

That’s their biggest selling point.

No matter how great the copywriting of the sales letter is…

… without testimonials, the page is unlikely to have a high conversion rate.

However, gathering social proof can be challenging, especially for entrepreneurs just starting out.

To help with this, here's a quick prompt that can be quite effective.

Prompt 2: Sales Letter

And here’s the main prompt that you all have been waiting for.

Prompt 3: Simple Rewrite

Okay now moving away from those mega-promt…

I want to share a technique that has worked well for me:

  • Use the previous prompts as a source of inspiration.

  • Start drafting out your thoughts for each sections (and don’t stop to think, trust me, it’s better that way)

  • Then, use the prompt below.

I know… sometimes the simple things work out surprisingly well too.

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Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham