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How to turn ChatGPT into your $2,000/m Twitter ghostwriter

How to turn ChatGPT into your $2,000/m Twitter ghostwriter

How to turn ChatGPT into your $2,000/m Twitter ghostwriter

I grew to 2,300 followers with this method...

Hey entrepreneurs,

Glad to see that you've chosen to open a business email right before Christmas

For that reason, I will make this worth your while.

Earlier this week, I posted a thread about how I increased my followers to 2,300 on autopilot.

Here’s the TL;DR version of it for those who prefer a quick read:

  1. ChatGPT sucks at generating Tweets

  2. So, I gathered high-conversion Tweets from myself and other skilled writers

  3. Using ChatGPT, I transformed these into ready-to-use templates

  4. I then compiled them into a CSV file for easier processing by ChatGPT

  5. Each day, ChatGPT generates 40 Tweets based on these templates and my brand

  6. I select the top 3 out of these 40 to post on my timeline

As promised, I'll share my exact prompt in this week's newsletter.

So that’s what you will get next.

But first, a word of caution:

  • While this method is excellent for those lazy days, remember that the content might lack:

    • Real niche value

    • Authority

    • PersonalityI

  • It's important to edit the final Tweets to reflect your unique writing style and not to over-rely on this method 🙂 

Now that’s out of the way, copy & paste the prompt system below and apply it to your X brand.

Prompt 1: Prep ChatGPT For Templating

Sometimes ChatGPT struggles with templating Tweets.

To overcome this, feed it examples of templates to learn from.

Prompt 2: Templating

No further explanation needed.

Simply gather 10 of your favorite Tweets and input them below.

Prompt 3: Starts Writing

You should now have 10 Tweet templates ready.

Let ChatGPT generate 30 Tweets from these, and with some luck, you'll find 3 to 5 suitable for your feed.

And that’s it for today!

But here’s the thing…

Snooze this email.

Open it back up on Tuesday.

And enjoy your holidays.

Cheers 🥂 

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Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham