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How to start an AI business in 2024

How to start an AI business in 2024

How to start an AI business in 2024

Opportunities like this don't come too often

Welcome back, entrepreneurs.

As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself looking back at the AI business landscape over the past year.

Let me give you a brief rundown:

  • ChatGPT & MidJourney remain the frontrunners.

  • Google Bard closely trails behind.

  • And frankly, about 99% of other AI startups are...

well, let’s be honest.

Yes, you read that right.

Most of the 80+ AI tools you encounter, probably around 75 of them, are built based of ChatGPT & MidJourney.

But one thing that I’m still sure about:

AI businesses will continue to be the next big thing in 2024.

Did I just…

contradict myself?

I did, but bear with me here.

The key to building a successful AI business is actually to NOT build an AI business.

(Yes I know I just contradict myself again. I swear this is the last time)

If you’re starting from scratch, here's what you need to do:

  • Spend three months acquiring a valuable skill.

  • Learn to leverage AI in building a social media brand.

  • Offer free services to gather testimonials.

  • Utilize these testimonials and AI to market your services.

  • Train AI to deliver these services.

And remember, your clients DON’T need to know you’re using AI.

They only care about:

  • Their transformation

  • Your service experience

  • Your trustworthiness

Even if they dislike AI, as long as you successfully improve their businesses as promised, they won't care.

This is an opportunity that is not talked about enough.

While others are busy creating GPT wrappers, you’ve already created a self-sustaining business that generates income while you sleep built on ChatGPT.

That’s why AI business that has nothing to do with AI will dominate 2024.

So, if you find yourself in mid-2024 looking at others' success stories and wondering why you didn’t start earlier, remember this moment.

To get you going, here are a few quick prompts.

Prompt 1: Skills Roadmap

Everything starts here.

If you own a web design agency but struggle with designing websites,

there’s no AI solution can compensate for that.

Remember, AI can only enhance what you're already good at (up to 80%).

If your best efforts are others’ worst, don't expect your business to grow at all.

**Tips: Try this prompt with both ChatGPT and Google Bard.

Prompt 2: Business Funnel

For those starting to build their business, understand this:

The journey from content creation to product or service sales is not linear.

Your potential clients have to go through different phrases:

  • Recognizing the problems in their business.

  • Becoming aware of the solutions your brand offers.

  • Developing trust in your ability to resolve their issues.

  • Finally, purchasing your product or service.

There's a specific framework designed for this exact purpose,

And it’s called a marketing funnel.

And that’s it.

2024 is coming in a few hours…

Thank you for supporting me through this amazing year.

I wish you and your family the best of luck for 2024 🍻 

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