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How to build your own ChatGPT app and monetize it

How to build your own ChatGPT app and monetize it

How to build your own ChatGPT app and monetize it

Finally a legit business growth hack...

Last week, I came across something amazing.

It’s probably the most useful way that an entrepreneur has used ChatGPT that I’ve ever seen.

It’s not the tool that he built,

but rather HOW he chose to build and monetize it.

Click here to read more.

What’s so special about it? Other than any other ChatGPT wrapper?

Well here’s the thing. This is what 99% of ChatGPT wrapper does:

Build a ChatGPT app using OpenAI APIMarketing that GPT wrapperSell $9/m subscription

But then everything fell apart when people realize the tool could easily be replaced with simple prompting.

What Dan did:

  • Build a ChatGPT app using OpenAI API

  • A quick X and ProductHunt post about the wrapper

  • Offer it for free

  • Collect emails in exchange

  • Send an automated sequence to upsell his $69 product

It was a fun quick-to-use product (Value Proposition Generator).

So there’s no reason NOT to use it at all.

And the result?

It doubled his revenue per month almost right away.

If you want an advanced guide on how to do it, I highly recommend checking his crash course here (This is not an affiliate link).

But it costs you $49+, so if you want a simpler guide to get started, read on.

Sorry to not have mentioned this, but this can all be built without using any code.

Here’s what you need to do, step-by-step:

1 - Figuring out what AI wrappers you should build

Ask yourself these:

Who are the ICPs for my main product?
What kind of lists could I help them generate?
What kind of quick wins could I help them achieve?

In Dan’s case, because he was selling AI-powered marketing tools, his AI wrappers were:

All tailored to his ICP.

2 - Building with Bubble

If you don’t know about Bubble, it’s a no-code tool that allows you build complex web app.

If you ever used other website builders like WebFlow, Framer, or Typedream, it’s pretty much same thing.

The only difference?

You now have your own database and you can call API from anywhere.

Which means you can create a ChatGPT from scratch without any coding knowledge.

I’m not going to dive into details here,

because there are already a tons of resources on it.

Feel free to use this as your references:

Get Your OpenAI API Key

ChatGPT App Bubble Builder

On the landing page, ask users to input 2-3 pieces of information about their business.

And when they click generate, you should show them the list of 5 out of 10 product ideas.

(or marketing ideas, whatever it is you promised to show them)

Wait… But then what would we do the other half of the list?

That’s left for later…

3 - Collecting Email

Now, if users are intrigued about the first 5 results, they would 100% want to find out more.

But the last 5 are hidden, and can only be acessed if they give you their email address.

See where we are going?

Essentially, what we are doing is collecting leads for our business.

And because they’ve went through many different steps to get there, they will be the most qualified leads you’ll ever get.

4 - Email Sequence

Got the email address?


Now it’s time for automated email sequences.

There are multiple sequences that you could follow, depending on your audiences.

Since these are all qualified leads, I’d suggest a simple sequence:

  1. “I got something for you” email (Soft Sell): Gift them a free product, establish the first connection.

  2. Story-based email (Soft Sell): A testimonial from your previous clients.

  3. Mechanism email (Hard Sell): Why your product is better than everything out there.

At this point, orders should start flowing in…

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Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham