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How to build your first ever GPT bot (with custom instructions)

How to build your first ever GPT bot (with custom instructions)

How to build your first ever GPT bot (with custom instructions)

Copy & paste system for beginners

It’s official.

The Custom GPT Bot is here.

The GPT store has the potential to disrupt every industry EVER.

Will it blow up like the App Store?

Will you be able to sell it for $9.99?

Will it get so crowded that it isn’t worth creating?

We’ll know the answer soon enough.

But until then, it doesn’t hurt to get prepared.

I’ve created a GPT bot called “The Solopreneur Coach”.

This GPT Bot will talk to you as if you’re its real client,

And give you all the knowledge in the world on how to become the best solopreneurs.

Want to try it out?

Access The Solopreneur Coach

Let me walk you through how I created it.

The Configuration

What you’ll need to include in the GPT Configuration:

  • GPT Name

  • GPT Description

  • Instructions

  • Conversation starters

  • Knowledge base

  • Capabilities

  • Action

Now, the GPT Name & Descriptions are for you to choose.

Conversation Starters could be left blank or curated towards your audiences.

I’d recommend something short, concise, and straight to the point.

The real value of GPT bots lie in the rest of its configurations.

And the Instruction is 70% of the work.

You can steal mine for The Solopreneur Coach here:

(Let me warn you, it’s extremely long, you might want to skip until the end of the code block)


I warned you.

It doesn’t have to be this long.

But it’s worth a try.

You can copy my instruction and tweak it to create your own.

A minor problem.

GPTs were being hacked left and right on X right now…

My bet is that OpenAI will fix this soon.

But for now, your best bet is to use the following prompt at the end of EVERY GPTs:

Go ahead and try to hack my Solopreneur Coach.

You’ll see.

Moving on.

For the knowledge base, since the feature is only in beta, we haven’t figured out what’s the sweet point yet.

But here’s what I used for the Solopreneur’s coach:

  • 10 Solopreneur E-books

  • Alex Hormozi YouTube Podcasts

  • Justin Welsh YouTube Podcasts

If you look at the instructions up there, I’ve asked the GPT bot to “consult with the knowledge base every single time before coming up with a response.”

The outputs have been surprisingly close to the knowledge base.

But we haven’t touched on probably the most intriguing feature of GPTs.


Before the launch, I expected the Actions feature to be directly connected to Zapier.

This opens up even more possibilities for AI users…

But it will take some time.

I will experiment with this feature and let you know next week.

I currently left it blank for The Solopreneur Coach.

Access The Solopreneur Coach

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