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ChatGPT is only overhyped for the 95%

ChatGPT is only overhyped for the 95%

ChatGPT is only overhyped for the 95%

And how you can change it with custom instructions

"ChatGPT is overhyped" - that's what many people said these days.

Getting tired of lengthy, meaningless, and general responses?

Me too.

Yet people are claiming to make $100,000/year with ChatGPT.

Are they lying?

Or is it just you?

If you’re still using one-liner prompt, then there’s no need to look around.

You’re missing context.

I.E the most important part of the sauce.

ChatGPT is built based on 175B+ parameters.

So how do you take advantage of it?

Make it your own AI agent with specific roles & instructions so it knows where to start looking.

I’ve crafted a perfect template just for that (inspired by AI Foundations)

Let me show you the few best ones.

The Template

Here’s how you can use it:

Open ChatGPT’s Custom InstructionsFill out the fields belowClose the CI window

And start prompting.

The result will be 4x better, guaranteed.

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

You see where I’m going here?

Here’s a few examples…

SaaS Viral Marketer

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Content Creation Agent

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Based on these, you can create 100+ other AI agents of your own.

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Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham

Weekly AI automated systems for busy entrepreneurs to make money on autopilot.

Copyright © 2023 @heykylepham